Our Chairman Yang Weihua attended the 2023 Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce Council and Gan Enterprise International Economic and Trade Exchange Conference

前海国信    DATE:2023-12-21    TYPE:Company Dynamics

On December 21st, the 2023 Council of Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce and the Jiangxi Enterprise International Economic and Trade Exchange Conference were held in Nanchang. Yan Libing, Minister of Member Development Department of China International Chamber of Commerce, member of the Party Group and Vice President of the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and Peng Feng, Zhao Xiangyang, and Zhu Xiaoyan, full-time Vice Presidents of Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce, attended the meeting.

Yan Libing pointed out in his speech that Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce has been striving to optimize and refine various economic and trade activities, building a platform for exchange and cooperation among member enterprises, and playing a positive role in building a highland for reform and opening up in the inland region of Jiangxi Province, making important contributions. He expressed the hope that Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce can leverage its geographical advantages, actively connect and serve major national strategies, make good use of various resources of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the China International Chamber of Commerce, build more high-quality platforms for Jiangxi enterprises to "go out" and "bring in", and work together with member enterprises to polish the "Enterprise Home" golden signboard, making greater contributions to the high-quality development of Jiangxi Province's open economy.

He pointed out that in order to do a good job in the work of the Chamber of Commerce, the leadership of the Party is the foundation, finding the right positioning is the key, unique characteristics are the foundation, and pragmatic service is the guarantee. In 2024, the Chamber of Commerce will deeply study and implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, focus on the goals and requirements of "leading the way, striving for excellence, and doing good deeds", comprehensively strengthen party building work, fully expand external exchanges, wholeheartedly serve the development of enterprises, comprehensively strengthen self construction, and jointly write a new chapter of high-quality development of Chamber of Commerce work in the new era.

The meeting reviewed and approved the work report of Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce for 2023, established relevant industry branches, recruited members, added council members, and adjusted the situation. The opening ceremony of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce Foreign Investment Enterprise Working Committee was held, and the newly elected vice president unit and newly established industry branches were awarded medals.

Jiangxi International, Qianhai Guoxin, Jiangxi Hydropower, Jiangxi middling coal and other enterprises and units such as Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce Power Transmission and Transformation Industry Branch made exchange speeches. Our chairman Yang Weihua was invited to speak as an exchange guest, and our chief financial officer Wang Yuan presided over the event. The conference also held a "Trade Promotion Lecture Hall" activity.

Our Chairman Yang Weihua was invited to attend and speak

Our CFO Wang Yuan presides over the salon event

More than 150 heads of the Jiangxi International Chamber of Commerce attended the meeting. (Source: Jiangxi International Trade Promotion)

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